Monday, July 2, 2007

Start my 2nd semester!

Tmr comes again! so soon my 2nd semester comes/n the timetable is so packed seems like cant breath/no oxygen!
However i dn think it was enuf for me to spent my semester break!it was not enuf!!! anyway i cant spent too much time wifout suckin anythin to my brain, i afraid it wil rust 1 day~haha!

Har~ i went to watch Transformer which was from 3.30pm till 6.05pm today(wif Joanne in 1U/she watched the 2nd time)~ and it was WOW~ couldnt blieve it, interesting...and i like the way they act and u know??it was so funny when the actor spoke! it is really a gud movie for this yr....haha! anyway dn watch too much later we imagine our car transform....'not gud not gud' =)SHUD WATCH TRANSFORMER= Great movie!!!

Hmm...this mth seems to hav lot of movies shown...anyway i watched fantastic4(cineplex/Brunei:27th June) wif Maggie Sim n i think it was not that great, hmm...can said is jus fine! however the 'fire' looked so handsome...whoops! hehe!
Then the next day i watched Alone(direct shutter)in Brunei cineplex too wif Cindy Tiong...anyway i dn think it is kind of a very horror movie but the story was not bad...

Hmm...this few days movie shown:die hard4.0,surf up,snow cake...
and soon soon...Harry Porter : shown on 12 July(fans of Harry porter be prepared haha!) ,vacancy n so on...anyway cinema here/KL owes full even any movie oso full...hav to book earlier or go there early if not....OMG! will miss it...haha!

Ok la~ that's all for movie today~ hmm...will continue again soon~ =)

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